
Flat footed pathfinder 2e
Flat footed pathfinder 2e

flat footed pathfinder 2e

Your soul leaves your body, you can’t act in any way, and you can’t benefit from normal or magical healing. You take a –1 penalty to attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks. You’re flat-footed and can take no actions. You treat all creatures as enemies, and you must roll on the table to determine your actions. You take the listed fire damage each round, and you must be extinguished to end the condition. Weapon: attack and damage rolls take a –2 penalty and can’t deal extra effects on a critical hit Armor: AC bonuses are halved and the armor check penalty is doubled Vehicle: –2 penalty to AC, collision DC, and Piloting modifier, and it halves its full speed and MPH Tool or tech that provides bonuses: bonuses are halved. You’re flat-footed, you take a –4 penalty to most Str– and Dex-based skill checks and opposed Perception checks, you automatically fail Perception checks based on sight, opponents have total concealment against you, and you must succeed at a DC 10 Acrobatics check to move faster than half speed or else fall prone. You take the listed damage at the beginning of your turn. You take a –10 penalty to Perception checks to notice things. In this case, the duration of the condition is unchanged-it still ends at the same time it would have ended if it had not been suppressed. Sometimes a condition is suppressed without being negated, such as with the envoy’s don’t quit Improvisation. Table 8–2 provides a quick reference of the conditions and their effects, though players and GMs should always review a condition’s details thoroughly when they’re unfamiliar with them. The following descriptions give details about the most common conditions and the effects they have on characters. If effects can’t combine, apply the most severe effect. If more than one condition affects a character, apply them all. Conditions are circumstances or states that can affect characters for an extended period of time.

Flat footed pathfinder 2e